I will buy it later when the price falls. I have played every AC game before Unity but I didn't buy and play Black Flag because I didn't have time for it when it came out, then I thought I will get it when i get a new computer. So now I'm just waiting for a Steam sale to get a discount :P Will proba...
ive got civ v and left 4 dead 2, but civ v always crashed my computer, and i havnt played left4dead2 in awhile. but if i get a new comp too ill play civ with u, even tho it takes a while. Is the game turn-based? Like you would have to wait 10 minutes when I do my things and then it's your turn and ...
I only play DoD:s on my computer but I have bought some games when they were on like 80% sale, so later when I buy a better computer to handle those games I will play them :D The games that just lies in my Steam-inventory and collects virtual dust are: Left 4 Dead 2 Borderlands 2 Bastion Torchlight ...
Did not know people still wrote messages there Are non-members able to use it, if they are, why not move it somewhere else so it can function as a guestbook or what it's called? If that's a bad idea I vote for it to be taken away.