6 months ago, I don't remember my reasons for ignoring this. I would have saw it almost right away I did and still do check the website at least once a day. However it is no longer up to me. Wait for the active senior generals to rule on this. and let your friend post his own appeals.
Heartfelt Sent: Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:24 pm From: Junior To: Gen.ConnorMacManus It’s not that I don’t apologize. Admitting when you’re wrong is hard but I always do it when I believe I’m wrong. It’s that the way I apologize doesn’t get received as being sincere. I’m working on getting better at apologi...
sounds fun, however our servers plugins are a fragile ecosystem and adding in a new one could be problematic. So as to whether it can be done or not.... ill leave that up to Cannafix to decide seeing as he knows more about that stuff then me.
I went ahead and extended your ban to 1 month. For someone trying to appeal a ban you aren't apologetic, you are being down right rude and disrespectful to member who was trying to help you. So we'll wait a month and see if your attitude improves.