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Wrongly Accused

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:02 am
by Il*Duce
Name: "Il*Duce" and "(KMA)*Boris*The*Blade
Steam ID: (i think not sure)
reason for ban: hacking/aimbotting
Person who banned me: I dont know exactly but it happened last night at 1030 eastern time
Why I shouldnt be banned: I dont have aimbot and i dont hack. Iv never used one before. Iv been playing on your server for about a year now and i have never had a problem. Recently though i have been playing a lot better and my stats have been fairly good. Last night someone in your clan told me they saw me hacking and I asked for an explanation and they never gave me one. I remember hearing someone say that me and the Corbin brothers never missed, but the only reason that may be true is because i was using the broom handle and its very hard to miss with that gun. Also aimboting with a panzershrek is pointless if the guy is moving. Iv seen what happens to people with aimbot on ur server (the best, if any of u remember him).


Re: Wrongly Accused

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:51 pm
by Il*Duce
sorry my real steam id is 0:1:23680131

Re: Wrongly Accused

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:05 pm
by Il*Duce
well apparently it was only a temporary ban