Cpt. Hanzio 1.3
Probably my dirty (liquor) mouth and from teamkilling someone who was killing our whole team
1st Lt???
I understand for being kicked for my dirty mouth, but the situation was much more complicated than I was able to explain.
First and foremost, my apologies for my behavior. I always play on your server with my two brothers (Furius Jorge and Levar Burton). Since we do not live near each other anymore, this is our opportunity for some nostalgia and to hang out and play as a team.
When we joined your server Friday night, 01/06/17, I was on the Wehrmacht and there was a guy that kept teamkilling us for like 10 minutes (I'm sorry my intoxicated mind robbed me of his name). After so many kills, and me being intoxicated (my apologies - it was a long week), I decided to not wait for one of your team members to come in and kick him. So, with my glorious thought process (jk), I started shooting this guy before he could shoot all of us. I believe I may have even killed some of our other team members in the process, but honestly I was only trying to stop the bleeding from this guy ruining the experience for the server that night.
So, when one of your 1st Lt. came in to ban that guy, another player kept saying that I was another offender that needed to be kicked. I started to mouth him off and called him all kinds of names because he was trying to get me banned from a server that me and my brothers have grown to enjoy. Before I could really get my train of thought and explain what happened, I was banned.
Please reconsider my ban and accept my apology - as I love you guys and your server keeps me and my brothers close!
I apologize for any cursing or other unacceptable actions - I really do not remember all of it and I was acting off of pure adrenaline at that point.
God bless you guys and I hope to see you soon.
Thank you for your time and for your server to be open to the public!