Name of Applicant: Rezzeract
Name of Person Banned: Junior
*My* Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92057554
*Mate's* Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18545932
Reason Banned: Hacking
Name of Admin Who Banned You: Gen. ConnorMacManus
Why You Think This Is Unjustified:
I've known Junior for quite sometime, and has been called out for being a hacker quite alot, although i have never seen/heard of people having solid proof of it. From what i can tell being mates with the dude for some time, although it may sound biased since i am his mate..i generally think the guy isn't the kind who would hack in such an old game that isn't like CS: GO where there are ranks and such. Even then, Junior has spent quite some time playing this game so for sure the mate would be capable of some skill in the game. Junior loves the SRRP server, the mate talks about it when DoDs is brought up to the chat, the guy apologizes for the statement made when he was banned, as it seems that he was angry and could not understand why he was banned. If a hacker were to be banned, he/she wouldn't try to get back in so much, he can go on other games and hack on there as well, but no, the mate really likes the SRRP server and said that some people tried to help out as well. A lot of people have said the mate hacks all the time, i do sometimes even tried considering it myself when i really get pissed on a 1v1, although knowing the dude a bit, i don't think he's the kind who would hack. It may be hard to believe, but i assure you, a hacker would just move on to a diff server and if the dude was banned from all..could just go on another game and hack it too, but instead he really likes DoDs, and he doesn't want to really get into any other games. I've tried getting him on other games like Sven-Coop or APB and even CSGO, but the dude just wants to play DoDs, to me that shows that the mate really loves the server and playing with the people on there. Try to consider removing the ban on Junior. I would gladly appreciate any replies or if possible, the generals giving this a listen and a think. My name is Rezzeract, former clan-mates with Junior and well mate in general.
Thank you for your attention and have a pleasant day.