As most of you know by now Swamp Rat is stepping down and I will be maintaining the operation of the server.
Connor too has also elected to step down.
I am in the process to putting together a support team to maintain the server and website.
I do not intend to change many things that are already in place but to carry on a good established name.
Participation is down and I think I know some of the reasons? I hope active members will stay on board for the rebuilding process.
Anyone who has the knowledge to help is welcome. My IT guy is in the Bahama's this week and I can't get a hold of him until next week. I also will be getting with Swamp Rat to get the logistics on what needs to be done hopefully soon?
My problem at the moment is that I am real busy with my businesses. Some of you know I own and operate several businesses.
All of which for some reason is needing attention at the moment?
I'm asking to please hang in there while I get everything together and try to play as much as possible so our regulars don't forget us.
Thank you everyone,