Name of Applicant: Rezzeract
Name of Person Banned: Junior
*My* Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92057554
*Mate's* Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18545932
Reason Banned: Hacking
Name of Admin Who Banned You: Gen. ConnorMacManus
Why You Think This Is Unjustified:
Hi there fellow readers,
yes I am back to request another unbanning. It's been quite some time, almost a year perhaps since my friend here has been banned. From what I know, Junior told me that he had already sent a letter or some sort to Gnrl. Connor, with no word from him back.
A question that comes to mind is that, was there any solid proof, Junior was hacking? any recording at all? If there was none, can't Junior try to prove himself, not guilty? at least some sort of chance? From what I know, not too long ago, Junior told me that he had made some sort of Demo for the higher ups to check and judge from that, however recently, he has been unable to post it due to some issues with his PC.
Junior also wanted me to mention that he was once an admin on the DevilDogs server until he decided to leave that behind to play in the SRRP Server. Junior also mentioned the reason why he did not respond to Carnage was because he wanted to seek help from a General that could help, and he waited months for a response from the General yet to no avail, hence why he deleted his post.
Junior also told me that he was simply frustrated that he kept on getting disconnected every 5 minutes from the server and that the admins might've misunderstood when he called the server "stupid".
He's just a very good player, since he's been playing for quite some time. I believe 2012? Not too sure, but a hefty long time. Hopefully the admins could come to a reconsideration as this means to Junior a lot.
I hope a general could at least reconsider, the server really means alot to him.
Thank you,