This forum is intended to allow players to contest a lengthy or permanent ban, or to request that another player be banned for breaking the server rules.
However, this is not the place to rant on our admins, or to frame people for things they did not do. Any user found doing this will result in their appeals being ignored, and a permanent ban from the server is likely.
What are the rules of SRRP, and how are they enforced?
At any point in the server, and when you join our server, our rules are stated in the Message of the Day. To view this, type MOTD in chat while in game. Our rules can also be found here.
Different rules have different punishments. Here are the general guidelines for punishments. Please note that these punishments may vary. Repeat offenders, and/or clan members will receive much harsher punishments, due to their familiarity with the rules.
- Racism: Permanent ban
- Intentional team killing: Temporary ban up to 1 week
- Disrespect towards others: Temporary ban up to 1 week
- Hacking: Permanent ban (must submit proof to a SRRP General)
- Speaking a language other than English: Mute or kick, possible ban for repeat offenders
- Porn spray: Change of spray
- Unreadable name: Change of name
- Advertising another clan: Temporary ban up to 1 week
How do I appeal a ban?
To appeal a ban, you must provide the following information. A general will review the situation and take the appropriate action. Copy and paste the following into your appeal, replacing the text with the requested information.
- Code: Select all
[b]Steam ID[/b]
[b]Reason you were banned[/b]
[b]Name of admin who banned you[/b]
[b]Why you think this is unjustified[/b]
Do not post your appeal over someone else's. This will result in your post being deleted and your appeal will be denied.
How do I request a ban?
To request a ban, you must provide the following information. A general will review the situation and take the appropriate action.
- Name of offender
- Steam ID of offender
- Description of how the offender broke the rules
- Proof of the offense (screenshots, videos, or demos are acceptable)